Sunday, July 12, 2009

JLPT, anyone?

So, I've been trying to throw together a study manual for JLPT 3 and 4 so when I take level 3 in December, I'm not missing anything. It's coming out to be about 40-50 pages when it's completely done and I don't know how I'm going to figure out how to study it while I have a full school schedule.

Anyway, I learned a few months ago that when you send in your application for TIU, you have to send a few things with it, which isn't a big deal, but some of them are a little harder to get. Two of those things be recommendation letters from teachers of yours, one being a normal academic teacher and the other one being a Japanese teacher. Well, I sent my 101 and 102 Japanese teacher an email a while ago asking him to write a letter for me and, naturally, he "hasn't gotten around to it just yet". My other teacher was awesome and said he will write one and give it to me soon.

Well, I'll go on more about this tomorrow. I have to close up shop at work.

Have a good night everyone!


Monday, July 6, 2009

A little background until now...

So, if you decide to study abroad in Japan at Tokyo International University, you have to know what it is that you're looking for. There are a ton of different things that you have to consider, but thanks to this post, I'll take you along with me as we figure out together all of the different options and I'll show you what is available to you and maybe what is better for you, depending on what it is you're looking for!

See you tomorrow!
